Thursday 13 March 2014

Health Risk of Arsenic in Drinking Water

Drinking water contains arsenic  has number of health risk including skin , kidney ,  lungs and bladder cancer and regular use of arsenic contaminated water cause high blood pressure and reproductive disorder. According to WHO the limit of arsenic should not exceed to 0.01 mg/l in drinking water.

How Does Water Get Contaminated with Arsenic?

Actually water gets contaminated with arsenic either because of natural deposits or either from industrial wastage. There is a large use of arsenic in industry like paint, coal burning, mining and glass manufacturing. According to the reliable sources these industries release tons of arsenic in environment. 

How to Know My Water is Arsenic Contaminant?

Arsenic doesn't show any color, taste and odor in drinking water. Arsenic can only be detected in water by taking a test for it. In order to check arsenic amount in water you need to contact your local water and waste water department. And if the results show the amount of arsenic is greater than 0.01 mg/l then we need to stop drinking that water or take a proper treatment of water.

What Level of Arsenic in Drinking Water having Health Risks?

If the arsenic amount in your drinking water is greater than 0.01 mg/l and you drink that water for longer period of time it will effect your health by  skin, lungs, kidney cancer, decrease in red and white blood cells. If you found arsenic above WHO specific limit for arsenic for drinking water you should immediately stop using that water.

How to Remove Arsenic from My Drinking Water

Removal of arsenic from your drinking water has long and short term solutions. For immediate removal you need to stop using that water and purchase reliable bottle water for drinking or cooking. Do not boil water that contains arsenic it will only increase its level in your water. For proper treatment of arsenic contaminant water; following method should be used according to the situation as ion exchange, activated alumina, adsorption media, oxidation filtration and reverse osmosis.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Diarrhea - The Water Born Disease

Today I am going to discuss water-born diseases and its health risk. Basically diseases derived through water are known as water-born diseases. But the question is where from these diseases enter in water? Most probably when the water is contaminated with sewage and human, animal waste. This is natural process where water got contaminated with all these pathogens and chemicals but the problem arrives when we show lake of interest in treating it properly. Lots of us really don’t know that the water we drink is safe for them or not but we are still trying to satisfying our heart and mind by trusting water suppliers. This is happen because of incompetence and non professional attitude of drinking water suppliers. We are facing number of diseases because of the presence of these pathogens in water like diarrhea, cramps, vomiting, nausea, headache and etc.

Diarrhea  – The Child Killer

According to the World’s Health organization (WHO) 760000 children died due to diarrhea and 1.7 billion cases of diarrhea reported worldwide every year. Two common agent of diarrhea is rota-virus and coli-form both are spread by the water contaminated with human and animal waste. World’s Health Organization (WHO) also indicates that all these water born diseases can be overcome by treating water properly. I have also fund that most of the bottled water companies pay lots of intention to the taste and packing of water rather than its hygiene needs.

How to get Safe Drinking Water?

Now question arrives that how can we remove all these pathogens? There are many processes for removals as coagulation, sedimentation, ultra filtration, reverse osmosis. Pretreatment of water is very important to control the microbial water quality before water enters the main water purification plant. There are lots of compact water treatment plants in the market that can full fill all our requirements but we just need to find which one is better for our water purification needs. You can ask me which method will help you to get pure and safe drinking water.

Friday 7 March 2014

Water - The Basic Ingredient of Health

I am still surprised that the world has changed frequently with time but we haven't paid any kind of intention to water. Everyone in the universe is quite cautious about one's health and spend lots of money for it. Today I am going to tell you that health is directly related to water we drink.

I also want to ask all you that how many people take a regular test for their drinking water. We are using tap water, buying bottle water but not looking the truth that what they provide us. Basically we got lots of diseases from our drinking water as unbalanced minerals or as in the form of micro germs. Please paid attention to your drinking water.

I started this forum to solve your drinking water needs and problems.